To determine whether a manuscript is relevant to JHCEP, authors should examine the aims and scope of the journal. If you would like to discuss your proposal before the submission, please refer to
When author decides to submit his/her manuscript to our journal, he/she is invited to send it only to the following email address:
Formatting norms
Editors will accept contributions abiding by the following characteristics:
- Scientific article: should be long not less than 30.000 and not more than 45.000 characters, including all references and footnotes. Authors should prepare an abstract of max 2000 characters both in the Italian and English language. In both languages, Authors should select and insert five keywords too.
- Educational experiences or projects: should be no longer than 35.000 words including all references and footnotes.
- Synopses of degree course theses: should be no longer than 6000 characters.
- Book recension: should be no longer than 5000 characters.
To redact your contribution before the submission, please use word file. The test font employed must be Times New Roman 12, interline 1.5. JHCEP adheres to APA style for references.
To enable the blind peer review, authors of scientific articles must remove any reference to oneself or ones’ affiliations in the text of the article, in the footnotes and in the final bibliography. Authors should send two different files containing:
- In the first: title of the contribution, name, and affiliation of all the authors, first author’s contacts (email is preferred); a note indicating every author’s role in the different parts of the contribute would be appreciated. This file must be named: HCEP-name of the first author.docx
- In the second: the title and the test of the article. This file must be named: HCEP-first tree word of the title of article.docx