The paper reports an experience of a care path with a family within the program P.I.P.P.I. It aims at presenting particularly the role of the home and territorial educational service (home care) and the relative role of the professional educator. The care path refers to the situation of a child with a clinical history that sees the discovery of a brain tumor, a delicate surgical intervention followed by an oncological therapy, and blindness as a result of the therapeutic course. When the professionals of social service were told about the situation, they decided to propose the family to provide them with support in their situation of such a great change. The article opens with the picture of the situation at the beginning of the work with the family. Subsequently, the essential elements of the P.I.P.P.I. program are presented together with role of home care. The narration of main elements of the process follows and the one of the changes that occurred in the situation of Alexander closes the article. The narrative elements that are presented consist of the result of a synthesis of the contents gathered by the multidisciplinary team along the path of work with Alessandro's family and documented through the tools proposed by the program.
Promuovere la crescita di un bambino con cecità accompagnando il suo nucleo familiare: un’esperienza
Ius M. (2019) "Promuovere la crescita di un bambino con cecità accompagnando il suo nucleo familiare: un’esperienza
" Journal of Health Care Education in Practice, 1(1), 93-102.
Year of Publication
Journal of Health Care Education in Practice
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Experiences and practices